Getting started


First we need to install the requirements of the jwst package, see the JWST instructions, reported here for convenience:

conda create -n jwst_dev python=3.6 astropy
source activate jwst_dev

then we need to install the jwst package, currently iris_pipeline is being tested with jwst 0.13.7:

pip install

Then you need to download the CRDS cache:

git clone $HOME/crds_cache

the CRDS cache contains metadata for IRIS, the calibration files, flat fields, and a set of rules on how to choose the right calibration file given a set of metadata, you can browse the content on Github.

Finally, we need a custom version of the CRDS library that contains some modules specific to TMT:

git clone
cd tmt-crds
pip install .

Development install

First fork the repository under your account on Github, then clone your fork on your machine.

Then enter the root folder and create a development install with:

pip install -e .